I thought I would make this really stupid-easy. Here goes. If you like any one of the following items…then you’ll probably like my book Prizm: Dominatrix of Sulan.
Here’s the list:
Dr. Who
Barbarella (early Jane Fonda movie, if you haven’t seen it, I can’t really explain it)
Sardonic humor
Some dark comedy
Space Opera
Space Opera with mythological tie-ins
Dominatrices (not documentaries, but the plural of the word “dominatrix.”)
Some fetishes
Ganesha the Hindu elephant god (Lord of success and remover of obstacles)
Amazon warrioresses
Bi-sexual Amazon she-hordes (that’s asking a lot, I know, but all in good fun)
Flash Gordon (80’s movie with Queen soundtrack)
Rocky Horror Picture Show (not the story line, but the vibe)
Alice in Wonderland Themes (especially dark themes)
A dark Narnia for grown ups
The Multiverse
Scottish Highlanders
Scottish Highlanders with ray guns and spaceships
Odd characters
Monsters (like mutants and creatures)
Modern Fantasy (i.e. not sword and sorcery)
Science-Fantasy (no that’s not a typo, science-fantasy)
Strange stuff
Strange places
Doctors who don’t really heal anything
Sexy clones
Run-away sexy clones
Devices whose science looks like magic to the uninformed
And one girl from Southern California
Did I miss anything? I’m sure I did, but that’s a pretty good diagnostic list.
Oh wait, one more: a damn good love story. Make that two damn good love stories and a bit of sex.
Prizm: Dominatrix of Sulan: Book One of the Jen Cycle
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